4-37-1 Mātugāmavaggo | Samyutta

Chapter III

37 Mātugāmasamyutta
Connected Discourses on Women

I. First Repetition Series

1 (1) Agreeable and Disagreeable (1)

Bhikkhus, when a woman possesses 5 factors she is extremely disagreeable to a man.

What 5?

1) She is not beautiful,
2) not wealthy,
3) not virtuous;
4) she is lethargic; and
5) she does not beget children.

- When a woman possesses these 5 factors she is extremely disagreeable to a man.

Bhikkhus, when a woman possesses 5 factors she is extremely agreeable to a man.

What 5?

1) She is beautiful,
2) wealthy, and
3) virtuous;
4) she is clever and industrious; and
5) she begets children.

- When a woman possesses these 5 factors she is extremely agreeable to a man.

2 (2) Agreeable and Disagreeable (2)

Bhikkhus, when a man possesses 5 factors he is extremely disagreeable to a woman.

What 5?

1) He is not handsome,
2) not wealthy,
3) not virtuous;
4) he is lethargic; and
5) he does not beget children.

- When a man possesses these 5 factors he is extremely disagreeable to a woman.

Bhikkhus, when a man possesses 5 factors he is extremely agreeable to a woman.

What 5?

1) He is handsome,
2) wealthy, and
3) virtuous;
4) he is clever and industrious; and
5) he begets children.

- When a man possesses these 5 factors he is extremely agreeable to a woman.

(The same as the above.)

3 (3) Peculiar

Bhikkhus, there are 5 kinds of suffering peculiar to women,
which women experience but not men.

What 5?

1) Here, Bhikkhus, even when young, a woman goes to live with her husband’s family and is separated from her relatives. This is the 1st kind of suffering peculiar to women….

2) Again, a woman is subject to menstruation. This is the 2nd kind of suffering peculiar to women….

3) Again, a woman becomes pregnant. This is the 3rd kind of suffering peculiar to women….

4) Again, a woman gives birth. This is the 4th kind of suffering peculiar to women….

5) Again, a woman is made to serve a man. This is the 5th kind of suffering peculiar to women….

These, Bhikkhus, are the 5 kinds of suffering peculiar to women, which women experience but not men.

4 (4) 3 Qualities

Bhikkhus, when a woman possesses 3 qualities, with the breakup of the body, after death, she is generally reborn in a state of misery, in a bad destination, in the nether world, in hell.

What are the 3?

1) Here, Bhikkhus, in the morning a woman dwells at home with her heart obsessed by the taint of selfishness;

2) at noon she dwells at home with her heart obsessed by envy;

3) in the evening she dwells at home with her heart obsessed by sensual lust.

When a woman possesses these 3 qualities … she is generally reborn in a state of misery … in hell.

(Anuruddha: (i) The Dark Side)

5 (5) Angry

Then the Venerable Anuruddha approached the Blessed One … and said to him:

Here, venerable sir, with the divine eye, which is purified and surpasses the human,

I see women, with the breakup of the body, after death, being reborn in a state of misery, in a bad destination, in the nether world, in hell.

When a woman possesses how many qualities, venerable sir, is she reborn thus?  

When, Anuruddha, a woman possesses 5 qualities, with the breakup of the body, after death, she is reborn in a state of misery, in a bad destination, in the nether world, in hell.

What 5?

1) She is without faith,
2) shameless,
3) unafraid of wrongdoing,
4) angry,
5) unwise.

- When a woman possesses these 5 qualities she is reborn in a state of misery … in hell.

6 (6)–13 (13) Malicious, Etc.

When, Anuruddha, a woman possesses 5 qualities, with the breakup of the body, after death, she is reborn in a state of misery, in a bad destination, in the nether world, in hell.

What 5?

She is without faith, shameless, unafraid of wrongdoing, malicious, [envious … stingy … of loose conduct … immoral … unlearned … lazy … muddle-minded,] unwise.

- When a woman possesses these 5 qualities she is reborn in a state of misery … in hell.

14 (14) The 5

When, Anuruddha, a woman possesses 5 qualities, with the breakup of the body, after death, she is reborn in a state of misery, in a bad destination, in the nether world, in hell.

What are the 5?

1) She destroys life,
2) takes what is not given,
3) engages in sexual misconduct,
4) speaks falsehood, and
5) indulges in wine, liquor, and intoxicants that cause negligence.

- When a woman possesses these 5 qualities she is reborn in a state of misery … in hell.