11. Tikavaggo | 6 | Aṅguttara

Aṅguttara Nikāya

Chapters Extra to the Set of Fifty

11. Tikavaggo
I. Triads

107 (1) Lust

Bhikkhus, there are these 3 things. What 3?

(1) Lust,
(2) hatred, and
(3) delusion.

- These are 3 things.

- 3 [other] things are to be developed for abandoning these 3 things.

What 3?

(4) The unattractive is to be developed for abandoning lust.
(5) Loving-kindness is to be developed for abandoning hatred.
(6) Wisdom is to be developed for abandoning delusion.

- These 3 things are to be developed for abandoning the former 3 things.

108 (2) Misconduct

Bhikkhus, there are these 3 things. What 3?

(1) Bodily misconduct,
(2) verbal misconduct, and
(3) mental misconduct.

- These are 3 things.

- 3 [other] things are to be developed for abandoning these 3 things. What 3?

(4) Bodily good conduct is to be developed for abandoning bodily misconduct.

(5) Verbal good conduct is to be developed for abandoning verbal misconduct.

(6) Mental good conduct is to be developed for abandoning mental misconduct.

- These 3 things are to be developed for abandoning the former 3 things.

109 (3) Thoughts

Bhikkhus, there are these 3 things. What 3?

(1) Sensual thought,
(2) thought of ill will, and
(3) thought of harming.

- These are 3 things.

- 3 [other] things are to be developed for abandoning these 3 things. What 3?

(4) The thought of renunciation is to be developed for abandoning sensual thought.

(5) The thought of good will is to be developed for abandoning the thought of ill will.

(6) The thought of harmlessness is to be developed for abandoning the thought of harming.

- These 3 things are to be developed for abandoning the former 3 things.

110 (4) Perceptions

Bhikkhus, there are these 3 things. What 3?

(1) Sensual perception,
(2) perception of ill will, and
(3) perception of harming.

- These are 3 things.

- 3 [other] things are to be developed for abandoning these 3 things. What 3?

(4) The perception of renunciation is to be developed for abandoning sensual perception.

(5) The perception of good will is to be developed for abandoning the perception of ill will.

(6) The perception of harmlessness is to be developed for abandoning the perception of harming.

- These 3 things are to be developed for abandoning the former 3 things.

111 (5) Elements

Bhikkhus, there are these 3 things. What 3?

(1) The sensual element,
(2) the element of ill will, and
(3) the element of harming.

- These are 3 things.

- 3 [other] things are to be developed for abandoning these 3 things. What 3?

(4) The element of renunciation is to be developed for abandoning the sensual element.

(5) The element of good will is to be developed for abandoning the element of ill will.

(6) The element of harmlessness is to be developed for abandoning the element of harming.

- These 3 things are to be developed for abandoning the former 3 things.

112 (6) Gratification

Bhikkhus, there are these 3 things. What 3?

(1) The view of gratification,
(2) the view of self, and
(3) wrong view.

- These are 3 things.

- 3 [other] things are to be developed for abandoning these 3 things. What 3?

(4) The perception of impermanence is to be developed for abandoning the view of gratification.

(5) The perception of non-self is to be developed for abandoning the view of self.

(6) Right view is to be developed for abandoning wrong view.

- These 3 things are to be developed for abandoning the former 3 things.

113 (7) Discontent

Bhikkhus, there are these 3 things. What 3?

(1) Discontent,
(2) harmfulness, and
(3) conduct contrary to the Dhamma.

- These are 3 things.

- 3 [other] things are to be developed for abandoning these 3 things. What 3?

(4) Altruistic joy is to be developed for abandoning discontent.

(5) Harmlessness is to be developed for abandoning harmfulness.

(6) Conduct in accordance with the Dhamma is to be developed for abandoning conduct contrary to the Dhamma.

- These 3 things are to be developed for abandoning the former 3 things.

114 (8) Contentment

Bhikkhus, there are these 3 things. What 3?

(1) Non-contentment,
(2) lack of clear comprehension, and
(3) strong desires.

- These are 3 things.

- 3 [other] things are to be developed for abandoning these 3 things. What 3?

(4) Contentment is to be developed for abandoning non-contentment.

(5) Clear comprehension is to be developed for abandoning lack of clear comprehension.

(6) Fewness of desires is to be developed for abandoning strong desires.

- These 3 things are to be developed for abandoning the former 3 things.

115 (9) Difficult to Correct

Bhikkhus, there are these 3 things. What 3?

(1) Being difficult to correct,
(2) bad friendship, and
(3) mental distraction.

- These are 3 things.

- 3 [other] things are to be developed for abandoning these 3 things. What 3?

(4) Being easy to correct is to be developed for abandoning being difficult to correct.

(5) Good friendship is to be developed for abandoning bad friendship.

(6) Mindfulness of breathing is to be developed for abandoning mental distraction.

- These 3 things are to be developed for abandoning the former 3 things.

116 (10) Restlessness

Bhikkhus, there are these 3 things. What 3?

(1) Restlessness,
(2) non-restraint, and
(3) heedlessness.

- These are 3 things.

- 3 [other] things are to be developed for abandoning these 3 things. What 3?

(4) Serenity is to be developed for abandoning restlessness.
(5) Restraint is to be developed for abandoning non-restraint.
(6) Heedfulness is to be developed for abandoning heedlessness.

- These 3 things are to be developed for abandoning the former 3 things.