18. Sādhuvaggo | 10 | Aṅguttara

Aṅguttara Nikāya

018. Sādhuvaggo
III. Good

178 (1) Good

Bhikkhus, I will teach you what is good and what is bad. Listen and attend closely. I will speak.

Yes, Bhante, those Bhikkhus replied.

The Blessed One said this:

And what, Bhikkhus, is bad?

1) The destruction of life,
2) taking what is not given,
3) sexual misconduct,
4) false speech,
5) divisive speech,
6) harsh speech,
7) idle chatter,
8) longing,
9) ill will, and
10) wrong view.

- This is called bad.

And what, Bhikkhus, is good?

1) Abstention from the destruction of life,
2) abstention from taking what is not given,
3) abstention from sexual misconduct,
4) abstention from false speech,
5) abstention from divisive speech,
6) abstention from harsh speech,
7) abstention from idle chatter,
8) non-longing,
9) good will, and
10) right view.

- This is called good.

179 (2)–188 (11) The Noble Dhamma, Etc.

(179) Bhikkhus, I will teach you the noble Dhamma and the ignoble Dhamma ...

(180) ...the wholesome and the unwholesome ... ...
(181) ...what is beneficial and what is harmful ...
(182) ...the Dhamma and what is non-Dhamma ...
(183) . . . the tainted Dhamma and the taintless one ... ...
(184) . . . the blameworthy Dhamma and the blameless one ...
(185) . . . the tormenting Dhamma and the untormenting one ...

(186) . . . the Dhamma that leads to building up and the one that leads to dismantling ... ...

(187) ...the Dhamma with suffering as its outcome and the one with happiness as its outcome …

(188) ...the Dhamma that results in suffering and the one that results in happiness....

And what, Bhikkhus, is the Dhamma that results in suffering?

The destruction of life ...and wrong view.

- This is called the Dhamma that results in suffering.

And what, Bhikkhus, is the Dhamma that results in happiness?

Abstention from the destruction of life ...and right view.

- This is called the Dhamma that results in happiness.