22. Sāmaññavaggo | 10 | Aṅguttara
Aṅguttara Nikāya
022. Sāmaññavaggo
II. Similarity
221 (1)
Bhikkhus, possessing 10 qualities, one is deposited in hell as if brought there. What 10?
1) He destroys life,
2) takes what is not given,
3) engages in sexual misconduct,
4) speaks falsehood,
5) speaks divisively,
6) speaks harshly,
7) indulges in idle chatter;
8) he is full of longing,
9) has a mind of ill will, and
10) holds wrong view.
- Possessing these 10 qualities, one is deposited in hell as if brought there.
Possessing 10 qualities, one is deposited in heaven as if brought there. What 10?
(1) One abstains from the destruction of life,
(2) abstains from taking what is not given,
(3) abstains from sexual misconduct,
(4) abstains from false speech,
(5) abstains from divisive speech,
(6) abstains from harsh speech,
(7) abstains from idle chatter,
(8) is without longing,
(9) is of good will, and
(10) holds right view.
- Possessing these 10 qualities, one is deposited in heaven as if brought there.
222 (2)
Bhikkhus, possessing 20 qualities, one is deposited in hell as if brought there.
What 20?
(1) One destroys life oneself and
(2) encourages others to destroy life ...
(19) one holds wrong view oneself and
(20) encourages others in wrong view.
- Possessing these 20 qualities, one is deposited in hell as if brought there.
Possessing 20 qualities, one is deposited in heaven as if brought there. What 20?
(1) One abstains from the destruction of life oneself and
(2) encourages others to abstain from the destruction of life
... ...
(19) one holds right view oneself and
(20) encourages others in right view.
- Possessing these twenty qualities, one is deposited in heaven as if brought there.
223 (3)
Bhikkhus, possessing 30 qualities, one is deposited in hell as if brought there. What 30?
(1) One destroys life oneself,
(2) encourages others to destroy life, and
(3) approves of the destruction of life
(28) one holds wrong view oneself,
(29) encourages others in wrong view, and
(30) approves of wrong view.
- Possessing these 30 qualities, one is deposited in hell as if brought there.
Possessing 30 qualities, one is deposited in heaven as if brought there. What 30?
(1) One abstains from the destruction of life oneself,
(2) encourages others to abstain from the destruction of life, and
(3) approves of abstaining from the destruction of life
(28) one holds right view oneself,
(29) encourages others in right view, and
(30) approves of right view.
- Possessing these 30 qualities, one is deposited in heaven as if brought there.
224 (4)
Bhikkhus, possessing 40 qualities, one is deposited in hell as if brought there. What 40?
(1) One destroys life oneself,
(2) encourages others to destroy life,
(3) approves of the destruction of life, and
(4) speaks in praise of the destruction of life
... ...
(37) one holds wrong view oneself,
(38) encourages others in wrong view,
(39) approves of wrong view, and
(40) speaks in praise of wrong view.
- Possessing these 40 qualities, one is deposited in hell as if brought there.
Possessing 40 qualities, one is deposited in heaven as if brought there. What 40?
(1) One abstains from the destruction of life oneself,
(2) encourages others to abstain from the destruction of life,
(3) approves of abstaining from the destruction of life, and
(4) speaks in praise of abstaining from the destruction of life
(37) one holds right view oneself,
(38) encourages others in right view,
(39) approves of right view, and
(40) speaks in praise of right view.
- Possessing these 40 qualities, one is deposited in heaven as if brought there.
225 (5)
Bhikkhus, possessing 10 qualities, one maintains oneself in a maimed and injured condition ...preserves oneself unmaimed and uninjured …
226 (6)–228 (8)
Bhikkhus, possessing 20 qualities ...30 qualities . . . 40 qualities, one maintains oneself in a maimed and injured condition ...preserves oneself unmaimed and uninjured . . .
229 (9)
Bhikkhus, possessing 10 qualities, with the breakup of the body, after death,
someone here is reborn in the plane of misery, in a bad destination, in the lower world, in hell ...someone here is reborn in a good destination, in a heavenly world.
230 (10)–232 (12)
Bhikkhus, possessing 20 qualities ...30 qualities … 40 qualities,
someone here is reborn in the plane of misery, in a bad destination, in the lower world, in hell ...someone here is reborn in a good destination, in a heavenly world.
233 (13)
Bhikkhus, possessing 10 qualities, one may be understood as a fool ...one may be understood as a wise person.
234 (14)–236 (16)
Bhikkhus, possessing 20 qualities ...30 qualities … 40 qualities, one may be understood as a fool ...one may be understood as a wise person.