12. Andhakavindavaggo | 5 | Aṅguttara
Aṅguttara Nikāya
012. Andhakavindavaggo –– In Andhakavinda
1. Kulūpakasuttaṃ –– Frequenting a family
012.01. Bhikkhus, endowed with 5 things the Bhikkhu frequenting a family becomes disagreeable to the family members, unwelcome, not reverential and undeveloped. What 5?
He becomes an inmate not acquainted, he thinks of a personal creator, he frequents the wise, he whispers and begs too much. Bhikkhus, endowed with these 5 things the Bhikkhu frequenting a family becomes disagreeable to the family members, unwelcome, not reverential and undeveloped.
Bhikkhus, endowed with 5 things the Bhikkhu frequenting a family becomes agreeable to the family members, welcome, reverential and developed. What 5?
He is not an unacquainted inmate, he does not think of a personal creator, does not frequent the wise, does not whisper and he does not beg too much. Bhikkhus, endowed with these 5 things the Bhikkhu frequenting a family becomes agreeable to the family members, welcome, reverential and developed.
2. Pacchāsamaṇasuttaṃ –– An accompanying recluse
012.02. Bhikkhus, a Bhikkhu endowed with 5 things should not be taken as the accompanying Bhikkhu. What 5?
He walks either too fast or too slowly, does not take the bowl and other material. Does not stop the conversation when it comes close to ecclesiastical offences. Interrupts the one who is talking, is not wise, is dull, deaf and dumb. Bhikkhus, a Bhikkhu endowed with these 5 things should not be taken as the accompanying Bhikkhu.
Bhikkhus, a Bhikkhu endowed with 5 things should be taken as the accompanying Bhikkhu. What 5?
He neither walks too fast nor too slowly, takes the bowl and other material. Stops the conversation when it comes close to ecclesiastical offences. He does not interrupt the one who is talking, is wise, not dull, not deaf or dumb. Bhikkhus, a Bhikkhu endowed with these 5 things should be taken as the accompanying Bhikkhu.
3. Sammāsamādhisuttaṃ –– Right concentration
012.03. Bhikkhus, it is not possible for the Bhikkhu endowed with 5 things to abide in right concentration. What 5?
Here, Bhikkhus, the Bhikkhu is not patient to forms, sounds, smells, tastes and touches. Bhikk hus, it is not possible for the Bhikkhu endowed with these 5 things to abide in right concentration.
Bhikkhus, it is possible for the Bhikkhu endowed with 5 things to abide in right concentration. What 5?
Here, Bhikkhus, the Bhikkhu is patient to forms, sounds, smells, tastes and touches. Bhikkhus, it is possible for the Bhikkhu endowed with these 5 things to abide in right concentration.
4. Andhakavindasuttaṃ –– At Andhakavinda
012.04. At one time The Blessed One lived in Andhakavinda. Then venerable Ānanda approached The Blessed One, worshipped and sat on a side and The Blessed One said to him:
Ānanda, the novice Bhikkhus, who have come to the dispensation of the Teaching recently should be incited, admonished and established in 5 things. What 5?
Come! Friends, be virtuous abide restrained in the higher code of rules, develop the right conduct, seeing fear in the slightest fault. Thus they should be incited, admonished and established in the higher code of rules.
Come! Friends, abide protecting the doors of mental contact, with mindfulness that is clever and continuous Thus they should be incited, admonished and established to protect the doors of mental contact.
Come! Friends, speak less, limiting your words. Thus they should be incited, admonished and established in the limitation of words.
Come! Friends, abide in forests. Abound forest dwellings and jungle paths. Thus they should be incited, admonished and established in the seclusions of the body.
Come! Friends, rectify your view, be endowed with right view. Thus they should be incited, admonished and established in the right vision.
Ānanda, the novice Bhikkhus, who have come to the dispensation of the Teaching recently should be incited, admonished and established in these 5 things.
5. Maccharinīsuttaṃ –– The selfish Bhikkhuni
012.05. Bhikkhus, the Bhikkhuni endowed with 5 things, is in hell as though led and lain there. What 5?
She is miserly for dwellings, for families, for gains, for beauty and for the Teaching.
Bhikkhus, the Bhikkhuni endowed with these 5 things, is in hell as though led and lain there.
Bhikkhus, the Bhikkhuni endowed with 5 things, is in heaven as though led and lain there. What 5?
She is not miserly for dwellings, for families, for gains, for beauty and for the Teaching.
Bhikkhus, the Bhikkhuni endowed with these 5 things, is in heaven as though led and lain there.
6. Vaṇṇāsuttaṃ –– Praising
012.06. Bhikkhus, the Bhikkhuni endowed with 5 things, is in hell as though led and lain there. What 5?
Without thoroughly knowing and scrutinizing the fathom praises that which should not be praised;and depreciates that which should be appreciated. Establishes faith, in which faith should not be established and does not establish faith in which faith should be established and depreciats something given out of faith. Bhikkhus, the Bhikkhuni endowed with these 5 things, is in hell as though led and lain there.
Bhikkhus, the Bhikkhuni endowed with 5 things, is in heaven as though led and lain there. What 5?
Thoroughly knowing and scrutinizing the fathom praises that which should be praised and depreciates that which should be depreciated. Establishes faith, in which faith should be established and does not establish faith in which faith should not be established and appreciates something given out of faith. Bhikkhus, the Bhikkhuni endowed with these 5 things, is in heaven as though led and lain there.
7. Issukinīsuttaṃ –– The selfish Bhikkhuni
012.07. Bhikkhus, the Bhikkhuni endowed with 5 things, is in hell as though led and lain there. What 5?
Without thoroughly knowing and scrutinizing the fathom praises that which should not be praised;and depreciates that which should be appreciated. Is selfish and miserly and depreciates something given out of faith. Bhikkhus, the Bhikkhuni endowed with these 5 things, is in hell as though led and lain there.
Bhikkhus, the Bhikkhuni endowed with 5 things, is in heaven as though led and lain there. What 5?
Thoroughly knowing and scrutinizing the fathom praises that which should be praised and appreciates that which should be appreciated. Establishes faith, in which faith should be established and does not establish faith in which faith should not be established and is not selfish and miserly and appreciates something given out of faith. Bhikkhus, the Bhikkhuni endowed with these 5 things, is in heaven as though led and lain there.
8. Micchādiṭṭhikasuttaṃ –– Bhikkhuni with wrong view
012.08. Bhikkhus, the Bhikkhuni endowed with 5 things, is in hell as though led and lain there. What 5?
Without thoroughly knowing and scrutinizing the fathom, praises that which should not be praised;and depreciates that which should be appreciated. Is with wrong view and wrong thoughts and depreciats something given out of faith. Bhikkhus, the Bhikkhuni endowed with these 5 things, is in hell as though led and lain there.
Bhikkhus, the Bhikkhuni endowed with 5 things, is in heaven as though led and lain there. What 5?
Thoroughly knowing and scrutinizing the fathom, praises that which should be praised and appreciates that which should be appreciated. Establishes faith, in which faith should be established and does not establish faith in which faith should not be established and has right view and right thoughts and appreciates something given out of faith. Bhikkhus, the Bhikkhuni endowed with these 5 things, is in heaven as though led and lain there.
9. Micchāvācāsuttaṃ –– Bhikkhuni with wrong speech
012.09. Bhikkhus, the Bhikkhuni endowed with 5 things, is in hell as though led and lain there. What 5?
Without thoroughly knowing and scrutinizing the fathom praises that which should not be praised;and depreciates that which should be appreciated. Has wrong speech and wrong actions and depreciats something given out of faith. Bhikkhus, the Bhikkhuni endowed with these 5 things, is in hell as though led and lain there.
Bhikkhus, the Bhikkhuni endowed with 5 things, is in heaven as though led and lain there. What 5?
Thoroughly knowing and scrutinizing the fathom praises that which should be praised and appreciates that which should be appreciated. Establishes faith, in which faith should be established and does not establish faith in which faith should not be established and has right speech and right actions and appreciates something given out of faith. Bhikkhus, the Bhikkhuni endowed with these 5 things, is in heaven as though led and lain there.
10. Micchāvāyāmasuttaṃ –– The Bhikkhuni with wrong effort
012.10. Bhikkhus, the Bhikkhuni endowed with 5 things, is in hell as though led and lain there. What 5?
Without thoroughly knowing and scrutinizing the fathom praises that which should not be praised; and depreciates that which should be appreciated. Has wrong effort and wrong mindfulness and depreciates something given out of faith. Bhikkhus, the Bhikkhuni endowed with these 5 things, is in hell as though led and lain there.
Bhikkhus, the Bhikkhuni endowed with 5 things, is in heaven as though led and lain there. What 5?
Thoroughly knowing and scrutinizing the fathom praises that which should be praised and appreciates that which should be appreciated. Establishes faith, in which faith should be established and does not establish faith in which faith should not be established and has right effort and right mindfulness and appreciates something given out of faith. Bhikkhus, the Bhikkhuni endowed with these 5 things, is in heaven as though led and lain there.