Buddha Words | Category

6. Right Effort (Sammā-vāyāma) A. IV. 13, 14 What now is Right Effort? There are Four Great Efforts ; the effort to avoid, the effort to overcome, the effort to develop, and the effort to maintain. I. The Effort to Avoid (Saṁvara-apadhāna) What, now is the effort to Avoid ? Herein the disciple rouses his will to avoid the arising of evil, unwholesome things that

7. Right Mindfulness (Sammā-sati) What, now, is Right Mindfulness? The Four Foundations of Mindfulness (Satipaṭṭhāna) D. 22 The only way that leads to the attainment of purity, to the overcoming of sorrow and lamentation, to the end of pain and grief, to the entering upon the right path and the realization of Nibbāna, is by the ‘ Four Foundations of Mindfulness ’. And which are

8. Right Concentration (Sammā-samādhi) M. 44 What, now, is Right Concentration? It’s Definition Having the mind fixed to a single object (cittekeggatā, lit. ‘ One-pointedness of mind ’): this is concentration. ‘ Right Concentration ’ (sammā-samādhi), in its widest sense, is the kind of mental concentration which is present in every wholesome state of consciousness (kusala-citta), and hence is accompanied by at least Right Thought

Gradual Development of the Eightfold Path in the Progress of the Disciple Confidence and Right Thought (Second Factor) M. 38 Suppose a householder, or his son, or someone reborn in a good family hears the law; and after hearing the law he is filled with confidence in the Perfect One. And filled with this confidence, he thinks: ‘Full of hindrances is household life, a refuse
