Dharma Theory. Introduction.
Dharma probably is the most significant term that we should understand, when we want to understand the Buddhist philosophy.
You probably have seen statements like:
- Buddha dharma
- go for a refuge to Buddha, Dharma and Saṅgha
- or if you love to read books, you may find that all dharmas are empty
What does it mean?
All Buddhist traditions and schools of thought are classified according to their views on dharma:
It is tremendously important to really understand, what is meant by dharma. Because all the later Buddhist philosophy and to some extent also practise is built upon the understanding of dharma.
The explication of well-known 4 Noble Truths tells us, what Buddha discovered was:
- existence of dharma,
- causality of dharma
- dependent origination of dharma
- ceasing of dharma.
When Buddha himself was asked what he understands with words All exists
he replayed: All exist means 12 āyatana exists.
(12 groups of dharma exist).
Division to Āyatana is only one of the few possible dharma classifications.
By dharma
here are meant the smallest elements from which all that exists consists:
All the so called external world along with all inner or psychic world,
such as perception, consciousness, psychic powers and so on was researched and classified into dharma groups or we may say elements of existence.
The dharma theory on most part has been explained in the 3rd part of Buddhist Canon – called Abhidharma.
But nowadays it is mostly researched and taught according to a later work of Buddhist teacher and philosopher of 5th century Vasubandhu and his work Abhidharmakośa
Abhidharmakośa of Vasubandhu is considered a classical work where he systematized and explained all Abhidharma teachings that was contained in the Buddhist Canon and the earliest Buddhist tradition.
Vasubandhu stressed that there is no other radical method to liberate oneself from the flow of affects and affective states of mind that bring all sufferings as a knowledge and differentiation of dharmas.
According to Vocabulary, the Sanskrit word Dharma may have a number of meanings as Law
, Religion
, Attribute
and others depending on context.
Etymologically the word has originated from the root dhar-
– to carry
. Basically, Dharma means Carrier
or what is carried
like in the meaning of quality
The main and probably the earliest meaning of the term, which is found in philosophical tractates and Sūtras, is where by dharmas are meant Carriers
or really existing, unknowable substrates of elements to which in abstraction is divided all flow of the conscious life, i.e. the subject and all the life he perceives – both external and inner.
The essence of each dharma is transcendental and unknowable, only the dharma qualities or manifestations are creating the flow of conscious life. Thus, elements, to which the conscious is divided, are not dharmas themselves, but manifestations of dharmas.
However to make it short and simple the word dharma
is often used instead of manifestation of dharma
; if this is the case, we can use a word element
for dharma
According to the earliest Buddhist tradition there are 75 dharmas or primordial elements.
Between the many dharmas there is one dharma which is very important for the liberation and is mentioned first of all. It is the element of cease or liberation itself – Nirvāṇa:
And because, according to the Buddhist philosophy, the goal of existence is the eternal cessation or eternal peace, this dharma is sometimes called the highest dharma or dharma per excellence:
For this reason dharma
often is a synonym of Nirvāṇa.
At last, the term dharma
means the teaching of Buddha
We have to point out, that very often in a statements like:
- Teach the Dharma
make offerings to Dharma
- refuge formula Buddha, Dharma, Saṅgha
- and others,
- dharma
often is not a teaching itself, but the objective of the teaching – the Nirvāṇa or Liberation.
However in the popular Buddhism in those cases it is understood more simply – as a teaching, scriptures and Buddhist literature.
In many later, especially Mahāyāna, scriptures you can find a statements all dharmas
or the flow of dharmas
– where it is meant in the sense of all things that are in the world
or all phenomena that are in the world.
Researchers say the term dharma
can be found in the following meanings:
- Quality, attribute, predicate
- Substantial carrier, the transcendental substrate of the separate element of the conscious life.
- Element, i.e. phenomena of the conscious life.
- Nirvana,
Dharma per excellence
, the goal of the Buddha Teaching. - The Absolute reality,
that which is really existing
. - The Teaching of Buddha, religion.
- A thing, object, phenomena.
Usually to differentiate in what sense to understand the term dharma
in a particular situation you can by looking into context and a type of treatise.
Dharma is not only things, beings, phenomena, but also each thought, feeling or construction of the mind, if the subjects mind is aware about them.
This was a short introduction in dharma theory.