Majjhima Nikāya|
Middle Length Discourses of Buddha

Majjhima Nikāya Sutta 141 141. Sacca vibhaṅga Sutta: The Exposition of the Truths I have heard that on one occasion the Blessed One was staying near Varāṇasī in the Deer Park at Isipatana. There he addressed the monks: “Monks!” “Yes, lord,” the monks responded to him. The Blessed One said, “Monks, near Varāṇasī, in the Deer Park at Isipatana, the

Majjhima Nikāya Sutta 140 140. Dhātu vibhaṅga Sutta: The Exposition of the Elements I have heard that on one occasion, as the Blessed One was wandering among the Magadhans, he entered Rājagaha, went to the potter Bhaggava, and on arrival said to him, “If it is no inconvenience for you, Bhaggava, I will stay for one night in your shed.”

Majjhima Nikāya Sutta 138 138. Uddesa vibhaṅga Sutta: The Exposition of a Summary. I have heard that on one occasion the Blessed One was staying near Sāvatthī in Jeta’s Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s monastery. There he addressed the monks: “Monks!” “Yes, lord,” the monks responded to him. The Blessed One said: “Monks, I will teach you a statement & its analysis. Listen

Majjhima Nikāya Sutta 137 137. Saḷāyatana vibhaṅga Sutta: The Exposition of the Six-fold Base I have heard that on one occasion the Blessed One was staying near Sāvatthī in Jeta’s Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s monastery. There he addressed the monks, “Monks!” “Yes, lord,” the monks responded to him. The Blessed One said: “Monks, I will teach you the analysis of the six

Majjhima Nikāya Sutta 136 136. Mahākamma vibhaṅga Sutta: The Greater Exposition of Action In have heard that on one occasion the Blessed One was staying near Rājagaha at the Bamboo Forest in the Squirrels’ Sanctuary. And on that occasion Ven. Samiddhi was staying in a wilderness hut. Then Pāṭaliputta the wanderer, while walking & wandering around to exercise his legs,

Majjhima Nikāya Sutta 152 152. Indriya-bhāvanā Sutta: The Development of the Faculties I have heard that on one occasion the Blessed One was staying among the Kajjangalas in the Bamboo Forest. Then the young Brahman Uttara, a student of Parasiri [Parasivi] went to the Blessed One and, on arrival, exchanged friendly greetings & courtesies. After this exchange of courteous greetings

Majjhima Nikāya Sutta 149 149. Mahāsaḷāyatanika Sutta: The Great Six-fold Base I have heard that on one occasion the Blessed One was staying near Sāvatthī in Jeta’s Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s Monastery. There he addressed the monks: “Monks!” “Yes, lord,” the monks responded to him. “Monks, I will teach you the great six sense-media (discourse). Listen & pay close attention. I will

Majjhima Nikāya Sutta 148 148. Chachakka Sutta: The Six Sets of Six I have heard that on one occasion the Blessed One was staying near Sāvatthī in Jeta’s Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s Monastery. There he addressed the monks: “Monks!” “Yes, lord,” the monks responded to him. “Monks, I will teach you the Dhamma admirable in the beginning, admirable in the middle, admirable

Majjhima Nikāya Sutta 147 147. Cūḷarāhulovāda Sutta: The Shorter Discourse of Advice to Rāhula I have heard that on one occasion the Blessed One was staying near Sāvatthī in Jeta’s Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s monastery. Then, as he was alone in seclusion, this line of thinking arose in the Blessed One’s awareness: “The mental qualities that ripen in release have ripened in

Majjhima Nikāya Sutta 146 146. Nandakovāda Sutta: Advice from Nandaka I have heard that on one occasion the Blessed One was staying near Sāvatthī in Jeta’s Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s monastery. Then Mahāpajāpati Gotamī, together with about 500 other nuns, went to the Blessed One and, on arrival, having bowed down to him, stood to one side. As she was standing there
