Rebirth | Buddhism

Rebirth in Buddhism

Rebirth, also called transmigration and reincarnation, is the belief common to all Buddhist traditions that birth and death occur in successive cycles driven by: 1. Ignorance (avidya), 2. Desire (tṛṣṇā), and 3. Hatred (dveṣa). The cycle of rebirth, termed Saṁsāra, is beginningless and on-going, and it is determined by the moral quality of a person’s thoughts and Karma (Action). The effects of good moral actions

Five Realms of Rebirth

Buddha mentioned 5 destinations (pañcagati) for rebirth. What are the five? Hell, the animal realm, the realm of ghosts, human beings and gods. Hell, animal and ghost realms are woeful states of existence (duggati) while the realms of humans and gods are happy states of existence (sugati). The animal, ghost, and human realms exist on the surface of the earth. The gods are believed to

Death and Rebirth | Theravada Buddhism

This is an article dedicated to the teachings on Death and Rebirth and more precisely - to teachings on Death and Rebirth as it is taught and understood in Theravada Buddhism... First off, this is very important subject and should be treated as such; it is not a castles of sand - it is based on ancient religious teachings of Arahants and Buddhas and sages

Most of Buddhist Cosmology supports these principles: The universe has no specific creator; There is no definite limit to the universe. The universe comprises various realms of existence. All beings are continually reborn in the various realms in accordance with their past Karma (action); the only escape from this endless round of Rebirth, known as Saṁsāra, is the knowledge that constitutes the attainment of Nirvāṇa.