Tibetan Book of the Dead

Tibetan Book of the Dead or Bardo Thödol, read online Part 1. The transference of Consciousness-principle, Introduction, When and How to read this Bardo Thödol text. The Great Doctrine of Liberation by Hearing, which confers spiritual freedom on devotees of ordinary wit while in the Intermediate State

Tibetan Book of the Dead or Bardo Thödol, read online Part 2. The Bardo of the Moments of Death. Instructions on the symptoms of death, or the first stage of the chikhai bardo: the primary clear light seen at the moment of death. The manner and time of application.

Tibetan Book of the Dead or Bardo Thödol, read online Part 3. Instructions concerning the second stage of the chikhai bardo: the secondary clear light seen immediately after death. When the consciousness-principle gets outside [the body, it says to itself], “Am I dead, or am I not dead?“ It cannot determine. It sees its relatives and connexions as it had

Tibetan Book of the Dead or Bardo Thödol, read online Part 4. The bardo of the experiencing of reality. Introductory instructions concerning the experiencing of reality during the third stage of the bardo, called the chönyid bardo, when the karmic apparitions appear.

Tibetan Book of the Dead or Bardo Thödol, read online Part 5. The dawning of the peaceful deities, from the first to the seventh day. Days 1-3 here. Apparitions of Buddha Vairochana, Vajrasattva, and Ratnasambhava. Thou hast been in a swoon during the last three and one-half days. As soon as thou art recovered from this swoon, thou wilt have

Tibetan Book of the Dead or Bardo Thödol, read online Part 6. The dawning of the peaceful deities, from the first to the seventh day. Days 4-5 here. Apparitions of Buddha Amitabha, and Amoghasiddhi. Buddha Amitabha, red in colour, bearing a lotus in his hand, seated upon a peacock-throne and em¬braced by the Divine Mother Gökarmo, will shine upon thee

Tibetan Book of the Dead or Bardo Thödol, read online Part 7. The dawning of the peaceful deities, from the first to the seventh day. Day 6 here. Now the lights of all Five Orders, called the Lights of the Union of Four Wisdoms, will come to receive thee. Act so as to know them. Buddhas and Bodhisattvas Vairochana, Vajrasattva,

Tibetan Book of the Dead or Bardo Thödol, read online Part 8. The dawning of the peaceful deities, from the first to the seventh day. Day 7 here. On the Seventh Day, the Knowledge-Holding Deities, from the holy paradise realms, come to receive one. Simultaneously, the pathway to the brute world, produced by the obscuring passion, stupidity, also comes to

Tibetan Book of the Dead or Bardo Thödol, read online Part 9. The dawning of the wrathful deities, from the eighth to the fourteenth day. Introduction. The fifty-eight flame-enhaloed, wrathful, blood-drinking deities come to dawn, who are only the former Peaceful Deities in changed aspect—according to the place [or psychic- centre of the Bardo-body of the deceased whence they proceed];

Tibetan Book of the Dead or Bardo Thödol, read online Part 10. The dawning of the wrathful deities, from the eighth to the fourteenth day. Days 8-12 here. Buddha-Heruka, Vajra-Heruka, Ratna-Heruka, Padma- Heruka, Karma-Heruka will come to welcome you in their wrathful forms. Be sure to be not scared of them and recognize your own thought-forms.
