6. Accharāsaṅghātavaggo | 1 | Aṅguttara

Aṅguttara Nikāya
1. Ekakanipāta

6. Pabhassaravaggo
VI. Luminous

51 (1)

Luminous, Bhikkhus, is this mind, but it is defiled by adventitious defilements.

The uninstructed worldling does not understand this as it really is; therefore I say that for the uninstructed worldling there is no development of the mind.

52 (2)

Luminous, Bhikkhus, is this mind, and it is freed from adventitious defilements.

The instructed noble disciple understands this as it really is; therefore I say that for the instructed noble disciple there is development of the mind.

53 (3)

Bhikkhus, if for just the time of a finger snap a Bhikkhu pursues a mind of loving-kindness,

he is called a Bhikkhu who is not devoid of jhāna, who acts upon the teaching of the Teacher, who responds to his advice, and who does not eat the country’s alms-food in vain.

How much more, then, those who cultivate it!

54 (4)

Bhikkhus, if for just the time of a finger snap a Bhikkhu develops a mind of loving-kindness,

he is called a Bhikkhu who is not devoid of jhāna, who acts upon the teaching of the Teacher, who responds to his advice, and who does not eat the country’s alms-food in vain.

How much more, then, those who cultivate it!

55 (5)

Bhikkhus, if for just the time of a finger snap a Bhikkhu attends to a mind of loving-kindness,

he is called a Bhikkhu who is not devoid of jhāna, who acts upon the teaching of the Teacher, who responds to his advice, and who does not eat the country’s alms-food in vain.

How much more, then, those who cultivate it!

56 (6)

Bhikkhus, whatever qualities are unwholesome, partake of the unwholesome, and pertain to the unwholesome, all have the mind as their forerunner.

Mind arises first followed by the unwholesome qualities.

57 (7)

Bhikkhus, whatever qualities are wholesome, partake of the wholesome, and pertain to the wholesome, all have the mind as their forerunner.

Mind arises first followed by the wholesome qualities.

58 (8)

Bhikkhus, I do not see a single thing that so causes unarisen unwholesome qualities to arise and arisen wholesome qualities to decline as heedlessness.

For one who is heedless, unarisen unwholesome qualities arise and arisen wholesome qualities decline.

59 (9)

Bhikkhus, I do not see a single thing that so causes unarisen wholesome qualities to arise and arisen unwholesome qualities to decline as heedfulness.

For one who is heedful, unarisen wholesome qualities arise and arisen unwholesome qualities decline.

60 (10)

Bhikkhus, I do not see a single thing that so causes unarisen unwholesome qualities to arise and arisen wholesome qualities to decline as laziness.

For one who is lazy, unarisen unwholesome qualities arise and arisen wholesome qualities decline.