27. Sammutipeyyālaṃ | 5 | Aṅguttara

Aṅguttara Nikāya

Discourses Extra to the Chapter

027. Sammutipeyyālaṃ
I. Agreed Upon Repetition Series

272 (1) An Assigner of Meals

1) Bhikkhus, one possessing 5 qualities should not be appointed an assigner of meals.

What 5?

1) He enters upon a wrong course because of desire;
2) he enters upon a wrong course because of hatred;
3) he enters upon a wrong course because of delusion;
4) he enters upon a wrong course because of fear;
5) he does not know which [meal] has been assigned and which has not been assigned.

- One possessing these 5 qualities should not be appointed an assigner of meals.

 Bhikkhus, one possessing 5 qualities may be appointed an assigner of meals. What 5?

1) He does not enter upon a wrong course because of desire;
2) he does not enter upon a wrong course because of hatred;
3) he does not enter upon a wrong course because of delusion;
4) he does not enter upon a wrong course because of fear;
5) he knows which [meal] has been assigned and which has not been assigned.

- One possessing these 5 qualities may be appointed an assigner of meals.

2) Bhikkhus, if one who possesses 5 qualities is appointed an assigner of meals, he should not be sent. What 5?

1) He enters upon a wrong course because of desire;
2) he enters upon a wrong course because of hatred;
3) he enters upon a wrong course because of delusion;
4) he enters upon a wrong course because of fear;
5) he does not know which [meal] has been assigned and which has not been assigned.

- If one who possesses these 5 qualities is appointed an assigner of meals, he should not be sent.

Bhikkhus, one who possesses 5 qualities, if appointed an assigner of meals, should be sent. What 5?

1) He does not enter upon a wrong course because of desire;
2) he does not enter upon a wrong course because of hatred;
3) he does not enter upon a wrong course because of delusion;
4) he does not enter upon a wrong course because of fear;
5) he knows which [meal] has been assigned and which has not been assigned.

- One who possesses these 5 qualities, if appointed an assigner of meals, should be sent.

3) Bhikkhus, an assigner of meals who possesses 5 qualities should be understood as foolish. What 5?

1) He enters upon a wrong course because of desire;
2) he enters upon a wrong course because of hatred;
3) he enters upon a wrong course because of delusion;
4) he enters upon a wrong course because of fear;
5) he does not know which [meal] has been assigned and which has not been assigned.

An assigner of meals who possesses these 5 qualities should be understood as foolish.

Bhikkhus, an assigner of meals who possesses 5 qualities should be understood as wise. What 5?

1) He does not enter upon a wrong course because of desire;
2) he does not enter upon a wrong course because of hatred;
3) he does not enter upon a wrong course because of delusion;
4) he does not enter upon a wrong course because of fear;
5) he knows which [meal] has been assigned and which has not been assigned.

- An assigner of meals who possesses these 5 qualities should be understood as wise.

4) Bhikkhus, an assigner of meals who possesses 5 qualities maintains himself in a maimed and injured condition. What 5?

1) He enters upon a wrong course because of desire;
2) he enters upon a wrong course because of hatred;
3) he enters upon a wrong course because of delusion;
4) he enters upon a wrong course because of fear;
5) he does not know which [meal] has been assigned and which has not been assigned.

An assigner of meals who possesses these 5 qualities maintains himself in a maimed and injured condition.

Bhikkhus, an assigner of meals who possesses 5 qualities preserves himself unmaimed and uninjured. What 5?

1) He does not enter upon a wrong course because of desire;
2) he does not enter upon a wrong course because of hatred;
3) he does not enter upon a wrong course because of delusion;
4) he does not enter upon a wrong course because of fear;
5) he knows which [meal] has been assigned and which has not been assigned.

- An assigner of meals who possesses these 5 qualities preserves himself unmaimed and uninjured.

5) Bhikkhus, an assigner of meals who possesses 5 qualities is deposited in hell as if brought there. What 5?

1) He enters upon a wrong course because of desire;
2) he enters upon a wrong course because of hatred;
3) he enters upon a wrong course because of delusion;
4) he enters upon a wrong course because of fear;
5) he does not know which [meal] has been assigned and which has not been assigned.

- An assigner of meals who possesses these 5 qualities is deposited in hell as if brought there.

Bhikkhus, an assigner of meals who possesses 5 qualities is deposited in heaven as if brought there. What 5?

1) He does not enter upon a wrong course because of desire;
2) he does not enter upon a wrong course because of hatred;
3) he does not enter upon a wrong course because of delusion;
4) he does not enter upon a wrong course because of fear;
5) he knows which [meal] has been assigned and which has not been assigned.

- An assigner of meals who possesses these 5 qualities is deposited in heaven as if brought there.

273 (2)–284 (13) An Appointer of Lodgings, Etc.

(273) Bhikkhus, one who possesses 5 qualities should not be appointed an appointer of lodgings.

He enters upon a wrong course because of desire ... he does not know which [lodging] has been appointed and which has not been appointed... .

- Bhikkhus, one who possesses 5 qualities may be appointed an appointer of lodgings.

He does not enter upon a wrong course because of desire ... he knows which [lodging] has been appointed and which [lodging] has not been appointed... .

(274) Bhikkhus, one who possesses 5 qualities should not be appointed an allocator of lodgings ... he does not know which [lodging] has been allocated and which [lodging] has not been allocated... .

Bhikkhus, one who possesses 5 qualities may be appointed an allocator of lodgings ... he knows which [lodging] has been allocated and which [lodging] has not been allocated... .

(275) Bhikkhus, one who possesses 5 qualities should not be appointed a guardian of the storeroom ... he does not know which [goods] are being protected and which are not being protected... .

Bhikkhus, one who possesses 5 qualities may be appointed a guardian of the storeroom ... he knows which [goods] are being protected and which are not being protected... .

(276) Bhikkhus, one who possesses 5 qualities should not be appointed a receiver of robe-material ... he does not know which [robe-material] has been received and which has not been received... .

Bhikkhus, one who possesses 5 qualities may be appointed a receiver of robe-material ... he knows which [robe-material] has been received and which has not been received... .

(277) Bhikkhus, one who possesses 5 qualities should not be appointed a distributor of robe-material ... he does not know which [robe-material] has been distributed and which has not been distributed... .

Bhikkhus, one who possesses 5 qualities may be appointed a distributor of robe-material ... he knows which [robe-material] has been distributed and which has not been distributed... .

(278) Bhikkhus, one who possesses 5 qualities should not be appointed a distributor of rice porridge ... he does not know which [rice porridge] has been distributed and which has not been distributed... .

Bhikkhus, one who possesses 5 qualities may be appointed a distributor of rice porridge ... he knows which [rice porridge] has been distributed and which has not been distributed... .

(279) Bhikkhus, one who possesses 5 qualities should not be appointed a distributor of fruit ... he does not know which [fruit] has been distributed and which has not been distributed... .

Bhikkhus, one who possesses 5 qualities may be appointed a distributor of fruit ... he knows which [fruit] has been distributed and which has not been distributed... .

(280) Bhikkhus, one who possesses 5 qualities should not be appointed a distributor of cakes ... he does not know which [cakes] have been distributed and which have not been distributed... .

Bhikkhus, one who possesses 5 qualities may be appointed a distributor of cakes ... he knows which [cakes] have been distributed and which have not been distributed... .

(281) Bhikkhus, one who possesses 5 qualities should not be appointed a dispenser of small accessories ... he does not know which [small accessories] have been dispensed and which have not been dispensed... .

Bhikkhus, one who possesses 5 qualities may be appointed a dispenser of small accessories ... he knows which [small accessories] have been dispensed and which have not been dispensed... .

(282) Bhikkhus, one who possesses 5 qualities should not be appointed an allocator of rains cloth ... he does not know which [rains cloth] has been allocated and which has not been allocated... .

Bhikkhus, one who possesses 5 qualities may be appointed an allocator of rains cloth ... he knows which [rains cloth] has been allocated and which has not been allocated... .

(283) Bhikkhus, one who possesses 5 qualities should not be appointed an allocator of bowls ... he does not know which [bowls] have been allocated and which have not been allocated... .

Bhikkhus, one who possesses 5 qualities may be appointed an allocator of bowls ... he knows which [bowls] have been allocated and which have not been allocated... .

(284) Bhikkhus, one who possesses 5 qualities should not be appointed a supervisor of monastery attendants ... he does not know which [monastery attendant] has been supervised and which has not been supervised... .

Bhikkhus, one who possesses 5 qualities may be appointed a supervisor of monastery attendants ... he knows which [monastery attendant] has been supervised and which has not been supervised... .

285 (14) A Supervisor of Novices

1) Bhikkhus, one who possesses 5 qualities should not be appointed a supervisor of novices. What 5?

He enters upon a wrong course because of desire ... he does not know which [novices] have been supervised and which have not been supervised.

- One who possesses these 5 qualities should not be appointed a supervisor of novices.

Bhikkhus, one who possesses 5 qualities may be appointed a supervisor of novices.

What 5?

He does not enter upon a wrong course because of desire ... he knows which [novices] have been supervised and which have not been supervised.

- One who possesses these 5 qualities may be appointed a supervisor of novices.

2) Bhikkhus, one who possesses 5 qualities, if appointed a supervisor of novices, should not be sent. What 5?

He enters upon a wrong course because of desire ... he does not know which [novices] have been supervised and which have not been supervised.

- One who possesses these 5 qualities, if appointed a supervisor of novices, should not be sent.

Bhikkhus, one who possesses 5 qualities, if appointed a supervisor of novices, should be sent. What 5?

He does not enter upon a wrong course because of desire ... he knows which [novices] have been supervised and which have not been supervised.

- One who possesses these 5 qualities, if appointed a supervisor of novices, should be sent.

3) Bhikkhus, a supervisor of novices who possesses 5 qualities should be understood as foolish. What 5?

He enters upon a wrong course because of desire ... he does not know which [novices] have been supervised and which have not been supervised.

- A supervisor of novices who possesses these 5 qualities should be understood as foolish.

Bhikkhus, a supervisor of novices who possesses 5 qualities should be understood as wise.

What 5?

He does not enter upon a wrong course because of desire ... he knows which [novices] have been supervised and which have not been supervised.

- A supervisor of novices who possesses these 5 qualities should be understood as wise.

4) Bhikkhus, a supervisor of novices who possesses 5 qualities maintains himself in a maimed and injured condition. What 5?

He enters upon a wrong course because of desire ... he does not know which [novices] have been supervised and which have not been supervised.

- A supervisor of novices who possesses these 5 qualities maintains himself in a maimed and injured condition.

Bhikkhus, a supervisor of novices who possesses 5 qualities preserves himself unmaimed and uninjured. What 5?

He does not enter upon a wrong course because of desire ... he knows which [novices] have been supervised and which have not been supervised.

- A supervisor of novices who possesses these 5 qualities preserves himself unmaimed and uninjured.

5) Bhikkhus, a supervisor of novices who possesses 5 qualities is deposited in hell as if brought there. What 5?

He enters upon a wrong course because of desire ... he does not know which [novices] have been supervised and which have not been supervised.

- A supervisor of novices who possesses these 5 qualities is deposited in hell as if brought there.

Bhikkhus, a supervisor of novices who possesses 5 qualities is deposited in heaven as if brought there. What 5?

He does not enter upon a wrong course because of desire ... he knows which [novices] have been supervised and which have not been supervised.

A supervisor of novices who possesses these 5 qualities is deposited in heaven as if brought there.