Supplementary Chants | 1-3


1. Jayamaṅgalagāthā
Verses on the Blessings of Success

Bāhuṁ sahassam-abhinimmitasāyudhaṁ taṁ,
Māra, the terrible one, who had created a thousand arms with weapons,

Girimekhalaṁ uditaghorasasenamāraṁ,
and had mounted on (the elephant) Girimekhala, with his army,

dānādidhammavidhinā jitavā munindo -
did the lord of sages defeat by such things as generosity and so forth -

taṁ tejasā bhavatu te jayamaṅgalāni! [01]
through that resplendent power may you have the blessings of success!


Mārātirekam-abhiyujjhita sabbarattiṁ,
Even more terrible than Māra was the impatient and obdurate yakkha Ālavaka,

ghoraṁ pan’ Ālavakam-akkhamathaddhayakkhaṁ,
who fought (with the Buddha) throughout the whole night,

khantīsudantavidhinā jitavā munindo -
(him) did the lord of sages defeat by his patience and self-control

taṁ tejasā bhavatu te jayamaṅgalāni! [02]
through that resplendent power may you have the blessings of success!


Nālāgiriṁ gajavaraṁ atimattabhūtaṁ,
The great elephant Nālāgiri, who was completely intoxicated,

dāvaggicakkam-asanīva sudāruṇaṁ taṁ,
fearful, like a jungle fire, a flaming discus, or a flash of lightning,

mettambusekavidhinā jitavā munindo -
did the lord of sages defeat by sprinkling (him) with the waters of friendliness -

taṁ tejasā bhavatu te jayamaṅgalāni! [03]
through that resplendent power may you have the blessings of success!


Ukkhittakhaggam-atihatthasudāruṇaṁ taṁ
With a sword that was lifted high in his outstretched hand, that very fearsome (bandit)

dhāvaṁ tiyojanapathaṅgulimālavantaṁ:
the one with a finger necklace (Aṅgulimāla) ran for (the whole of) three leagues up the path:

iddhībhisaṅkhatamano jitavā munindo -
(him) did the lord of sages defeat with the psychic powers created in his mind -

taṁ tejasā bhavatu te jayamaṅgalāni! [04]
through that resplendent power may you have the blessings of success!


Katvāna kaṭṭham-udaraṁ iva gabbhinīyā,
Having made her midriff (look large) with a piece of wood, like one who is pregnant,

Ciñcāya duṭṭhavacanaṁ janakāyamajjhe:
Ciñcā (then spoke) wicked words in the midst of a group of people:

santena somavidhinā jitavā munindo -
(her) did the lord of sages defeat by means of his gentleness and peacefulness -

taṁ tejasā bhavatu te jayamaṅgalāni! [05]
through that resplendent power may you have the blessings of success!


Saccaṁ vihāya mati-Saccakavādaketuṁ,
The arrogant Saccaka, who had given up the truth, and had challenged (the Buddha) to a debate,

vādābhiropitamanaṁ ati-andhabhūtaṁ,
with his mind fixed on his argument, completely blind to the truth,

paññāpadīpajalito jitavā munindo -
(him) did the lord of sages defeat with the shining lamp of true wisdom -

taṁ tejasā bhavatu te jayamaṅgalāni! [06]
through that resplendent power may you have the blessings of success!


Nandopanandabhujagaṁ vibudhaṁ mahiddhiṁ,
Taming the wise dragon Nandopananda, who had great power,

puttena therabhujagena damāpayanto,
by way of his son (Moggallāna), who was a dragon of an elder,

iddhūpadesavidhinā jitavā munindo -
(thus) did the lord of sages defeat (him) by instructing (his son to use) psychic power -

taṁ tejasā bhavatu te jayamaṅgalāni! [07]
through that resplendent power may you have the blessings of success!


Duggāhadiṭṭhibhujagena sudaṭṭhahatthaṁ,
He whose hand was badly bitten by the serpent of wrongly taken up views,

brahmaṁ visuddhijutim-iddhi-Bakābhidhānaṁ,
the brahma Baka, who was clear and bright, and who possessed psychic powers,

ñāṇāgadena vidhinā jitavā munindo -
did the lord of sages defeat with the medicine of his super-knowledge -

taṁ tejasā bhavatu te jayamaṅgalāni! [08]
through that resplendent power may you have the blessings of success!


Etā pi Buddhajayamaṅgala-aṭṭhagāthā,
He who recites these eight verses each and every day,

yo vācako dinadine sarate-m-atandī,
which are about the Buddha’s (many) blessed successes, and remembers them with diligence

hitvānanekavividhāni cupaddavāni,
after giving up (all) the many and various kinds of adversity,

mokkhaṁ sukhaṁ adhigameyya naro sapañño. [09]
that wise man will (soon thereafter) attain both freedom and happiness.

2. Mahājayamaṅgalagāthā
The Verses on the Great Blessings of Success

Mahākāruṇiko nātho, hitāya sabbapāṇinaṁ,
The lord of great compassion, for the benefit of all living creatures,

pūretvā pāramī sabbā patto Sambodhim-uttamaṁ.
having fulfilled all the perfections has attained supreme and Complete Awakening.

Etena saccavajjena hotu te jayamaṅgalaṁ! [01]
By this declaration of the truth may you have the blessing of success!


Jayanto Bodhiyā mūle Sakyānaṁ nandivaddhano -
Succeeding at the root of the Bodhi tree he furthered the Sakyans' joy -

evaṁ tuyhaṁ jayo hotu, jayassu jayamaṅgalaṁ! [02]
so may you be successful, may you succeed with the blessing of success!


Sakkatvā Buddharatanaṁ, osadhaṁ uttamaṁ varaṁ,
Having honoured the Buddha treasure, the best and supreme medicine,

hitaṁ devamanussānaṁ, Buddhatejena sotthinā
of benefit to gods and men, by the blessed power of the Buddha

nassantupaddavā sabbe, dukkhā vūpasamentu te! [03]
may all adversities perish, and all suffering come to an end for you!


Sakkatvā Dhammaratanaṁ, osadhaṁ uttamaṁ varaṁ,
Having honoured the Dhamma treasure, the best and supreme medicine,

pariḷāhūpasamanaṁ, Dhammatejena sotthinā
which brings fevers to an end, by the blessed power of the Dhamma

nassantupaddavā sabbe, bhayā vūpasamentu te! [04]
may all adversities perish, and all fear come to an end for you!


Sakkatvā Saṅgharatanaṁ, osadhaṁ uttamaṁ varaṁ,
Having honoured the Saṅgha treasure, the best and supreme medicine,

āhuneyyaṁ pāhuneyyaṁ, Saṅghatejena sotthinā
worthy of gifts and hospitality, by the blessed power of the Saṅgha

nassantupaddavā sabbe, rogā vūpasamentu te! [05]
may all adversities perish, and all disease come to an end for you!


Yaṁ kiñci ratanaṁ loke vijjati vividhā puthū
Whatever the many and various treasures there are in the world

ratanaṁ Buddhasamaṁ natthi: tasmā sotthī bhavantu te! [06]
no treasure is equal to the Buddha: through this (truth) may you be safe!


Yaṁ kiñci ratanaṁ loke vijjati vividhā puthū
Whatever the many and various treasures there are in the world

ratanaṁ Dhammasamaṁ natthi: tasmā sotthī bhavantu te! [07]
no treasure is equal to the Dhamma: through this (truth) may you be safe!


Yaṁ kiñci ratanaṁ loke vijjati vividhā puthū
Whatever the many and various treasures there are in the world

ratanaṁ Saṅghasamaṁ natthi: tasmā sotthī bhavantu te! [08]
no treasure is equal to the Saṅgha: through this (truth) may you be safe!


Natthi me saraṇaṁ aññaṁ, Buddho me saraṇaṁ varaṁ!
For me there is no other refuge, for me the Buddha is the best refuge!

Etena saccavajjena hotu te jayamaṅgalaṁ! [09]
By this declaration of the truth may you have the blessing of success!


Natthi me saraṇaṁ aññaṁ, Dhammo me saraṇaṁ varaṁ!
For me there is no other refuge, for me the Dhamma is the best refuge!

Etena saccavajjena hotu te jayamaṅgalaṁ! [10]
By this declaration of the truth may you have the blessing of success!


Natthi me saraṇaṁ aññaṁ, Saṅgho me saraṇaṁ varaṁ!
For me there is no other refuge, for me the Saṅgha is the best refuge!

Etena saccavajjena hotu te jayamaṅgalaṁ! [11]
By this declaration of the truth may you have the blessing of success!


Sabbītiyo vivajjantu sabbarogo vinassatu,
May you avoid all calamities and may all disease be destroyed,

mā te bhavatvantarāyo, sukhī dīghāyuko bhava!
may there be no obstacles for you, may you be happy and live long!


Bhavatu sabbamaṅgalaṁ, rakkhantu sabbadevatā,
May there be every blessing, and may all of the gods protect you,

sabba-Buddhānubhāvena sadā sotthī bhavantu te!
by the power of all the Buddhas may you be safe forever!


Bhavatu sabbamaṅgalaṁ, rakkhantu sabbadevatā,
May there be every blessing, and may all of the gods protect you,

sabba-Dhammānubhāvena sadā sotthī bhavantu te!
by the power of all that is Dhamma may you be safe forever!


Bhavatu sabbamaṅgalaṁ, rakkhantu sabbadevatā,
May there be every blessing, and may all of the gods protect you,

sabba-Saṅghānubhāvena sadā sotthī bhavantu te!
by the power of the whole Saṅgha may you be safe forever!


Nakkhattayakkhabhūtānaṁ, pāpaggahanivāraṇā,
Warding off all unlucky stars, yakkhas, bhūtas, and evil planets,

parittassānubhāvena hantu tesaṁ upaddave!
by the power of this safeguard may all their adversities end!

3. Āṇakkhettaparittaṁ
Safeguard in this Order’s Domain


Ye santā santacittā, tisaraṇasaraṇā, ettha lokantare vā,
Those (gods) who are peaceful, with peaceful minds, who have taken refuge in the triple refuge, whether here, or above the worlds,

bhummā bhummā ca devā, guṇagaṇagahaṇā, byāvaṭā sabbakālaṁ,
the various earth gods, that group who have taken up, and are engaged in, virtuous deeds all of the time,


ete āyantu devā, varakanakamaye, Merurāje vasanto,
may these gods come, those who dwell on the majestic Mt. Meru, that excellent golden mountain,

santo santo sahetuṁ Munivaravacanaṁ sotumaggaṁ samaggaṁ.
peacefully, and with good reason, ( to hear) the Sage’s excellent word about entering the stream, and harmony.


Sabbesu cakkavāḷesu yakkhā devā ca brahmuno,
May all yakkhas, gods, and deities, from the whole universe,

Yaṁ amhehi kataṁ puññaṁ sabbasampattisādhukaṁ
After partaking of the merits, and of all the thoroughly good fortune

Sabbe taṁ anumoditvā samaggā sāsane ratā,
We have acquired, being in harmony, and delighting in the teaching,

Pamādarahitā hontu ārakkhāsu visesato.
Be not heedless and grant us complete protection.


Sāsanassa ca lokassa vuḍḍhi bhavatu sabbadā,
May the teaching and the world be on the increase every day,

Sāsanam-pi ca lokañ-ca devā rakkhantu sabbadā.
And may the gods every day protect the teaching and the world.

Saddhiṁ hontu sukhī sabbe parivārehi attano,
May you, and all those who are around you, together with

Anīghā sumanā hontu, saha sabbehi ñātibhi.
All your relatives, be untroubled, happy, and easy in mind.


Rājato vā, corato vā, manussato vā, amanussato vā,
(May you be protected) from the king, thieves, humans, and non-humans,

aggito vā, udakato vā, pisācato vā, khāṇukato vā, kaṇṭakato vā,
from fire and water, demons, stumps, and thorns,

nakkhattato vā, janapadarogato vā,
from unlucky stars, and epidemics,

asaddhammato vā, asandiṭṭhito vā, asappurisato vā,
from what is not the true dhamma, not right view, not a good person,

and from fierce elephants, horses, antelopes, bulls, dogs, snakes, scorpions, poisonous serpents,

panthers, bears, hyenas, wild boars, buffaloes, yakkhas, rakkhasas, and so on,

nānā bhayato vā, nānā rogato vā,
from the manifold fears, the manifold diseases,

nānā upaddavato vā, ārakkhaṁ gaṇhantu!
the manifold calamities, (from all of these troubles) may you receive protection!

Paṇidhānato paṭṭhāya, Tathāgatassa dasapāramiyo,
Beginning with the aspiration (for Buddhahood, and thinking of) the Realised One’s ten perfections,

Dasa-upapāramiyo, dasaparamatthapāramiyo - samatiṁsapāramiyo,
Ten minor perfections, ten great perfections - altogether thirty perfections,

Pañcamahāpariccāge, tisso cariyā,
His five great sacrifices, three ways of conduct,

pacchimabhave gabbhāvakkantiṁ, jātiṁ,
descent into the womb for his final existence, birth,

Abhinikkhamanaṁ, padhānacariyaṁ, Bodhipallaṅkaṁ, Māravijayaṁ,
Great renunciation, life of effort, sitting cross legged at the Bodhi tree, victory over Māra,

Sabbaññutañāṇapaṭivedhaṁ, navalokuttaradhamme ti,
His penetration and knowledge of omniscience, and his nine supermundane attainments,


Sabbe pime Buddhaguṇe āvajjitvā, Vesāliyaṁ tīsu pākārantaresu,
And after considering all these Buddha qualities, (going around) the three walls of Vesāli,

Tiyāmarattiṁ, parittaṁ karonto āyasmā Ānandatthero,
During the three watches of the night, the venerable elder Ānanda,

Viya kāruññacittaṁ upaṭṭhapetvā.
After establishing great compassion in his heart, made this safeguard.