Lotus Sūtra | Key Teachings

Lotus Sūtra

Lotus Sūtra | Chapter II | Skilful Means. Skilful means (Upāya) lead all sentient to Buddha Path. Buddha arose tranquilly with insight out of samādhi and addressed Śāriputra: All of the Buddhas teach the path of the Single Vehicle. This great assembly should now rid itself of confusion. The words of Buddhas are not inconsistent. There is only the single vehicle; there is no other.

White Lotus Flower

Lotus Sūtra | Chapter XI | The Appearance of a Jewelled Stūpa. At that time there appeared before the Buddha a 7-Jewelled Stūpa, 500 Yojanas in height and 250 Yojanas both in length and width, which emerged from the ground and hovered in the air. Then a tremendous voice issued forth in praise from the Jewelled Stūpa, saying: “Splendid, splendid! O Śākyamuni!

Lotus Sūtra

Lotus Sūtra | Chapter XII | Devadatta. Buddha then addressed the assembly of Bodhisattvas: “In the past, immeasurable kalpas ago, I tirelessly sought the Lotus Sūtra. Through the virtuous friendship of Devadatta I was able to become endowed with the 6 perfections, benevolence, compassion, sympathetic joy, generosity. There is the daughter of the Nāga king Sāgara, She has attained the power of recollection.

Lotus Sūtra

Lotus Sūtra | Chapter XVI | Lifespan of Tathāgata. Buddha addressed the Bodhisattvas and the entire great assembly, saying: The period of time since I became a Buddha would exceed this by hundreds of thousands of myriads of koṭis of nayutas of incalculable kalpas. Since then I have constantly been residing in the Sahā world, teaching the Dharma and inspiring sentient beings. Never become extinct.