Metta | Loving Kindness

*/ 2. The Background to the Mettā Sutta The historical background which led the Buddha to expound the Karaṇīya Mettā Sutta is explained in the commentary written by Ācārya Buddhaghosa , who received it from an unbroken line of Elders going back to the days of the Buddha himself. It is told that 500 monks received instructions from the Buddha

*/ 3. Three Aspects of Mettā The Mettā Sutta consists of 3 parts, each of which focuses on a distinct aspect of mettā: 1. First part (lines 3 to 10) covers that aspect which requires a thorough and systematic application of loving kindness in one’s daily conduct. 2. Second part (lines 11 to 20) expresses loving kindness as a distinct

*/ 4. The Ethics of Mettā Ethics, in the Buddhist context, is right conduct , which brings happiness and peace of mind, and never gives rise to remorse, worry or restlessness of mind. This is the immediate psychological benefit. Right conduct also leads to a happy rebirth, enabling an aspirant to progress further on the onward path to spiritual liberation.

*/ 5. The Psychology of Mettā The Pali commentaries explain: One loves all beings: a. by the non-harassment of all beings and thus avoids harassment; b. by being inoffensive (to all beings) and thus avoids offensiveness; c. by not torturing (all beings) and thus avoids torturing; d. by the non-destruction (of all life) and thus avoids destructiveness; e. by being

*/ 6. Meditation on Mettā There are various ways of practising mettā-bhāvanā , the meditation on universal love. Three of the principal methods will be explained here. These instructions, based on canonical and commentarial sources, are intended to explain the practice of mettā-meditation in a clear, simple and direct way so that anyone who is earnest about taking up the

*/ Meditation on Mettā There are various ways of practising mettā-bhāvanā , the meditation on universal love. Three of the principal methods will be explained here. These instructions, based on canonical and commentarial sources, are intended to explain the practice of mettā-meditation in a clear, simple and direct way so that anyone who is earnest about taking up the practice

*/ Meditation on Mettā There are various ways of practising mettā-bhāvanā , the meditation on universal love. Three of the principal methods will be explained here. These instructions, based on canonical and commentarial sources, are intended to explain the practice of mettā-meditation in a clear, simple and direct way so that anyone who is earnest about taking up the practice

*/ 7. The Blessings of Mettā Monks, when universal love leading to liberation of mind is ardently practised, developed, unrelentingly resorted to, used as one’s vehicle, made the foundation of one’s life, fully established, well consolidated and perfected, then these 11 blessings may be expected. What 11? One sleeps happily; one wakes happily; one does not suffer bad dreams; one