1-1-7 Addhavaggo | Samyutta
VII. Weighed Down
61 (1) Name
203 What has weighed down everything?
What is most extensive?
What is the one thing that has
All under its control?
204 Name has weighed down everything;
Nothing is more extensive than name.
Name is the one thing that has
All under its control.
62 (2) Mind
205 By what is the world led around?
By what is it dragged here and there?
What is the one thing that has
All under its control?
206 The world is led around by mind;
By mind it’s dragged here and there.
Mind is the one thing that has
All under its control.
63 (3) Craving
207 By what is the world led around?
By what is it dragged here and there?
What is the one thing that has
All under its control?
208 The world is led around by craving;
By craving it‘s dragged here and there.
Craving is the one thing that has
All under its control.
64 (4) Fetter
209 By what is the world tightly fettered?
What is its means of travelling about?
What is it that one must forsake
In order to say, ‘Nibbāna’?
210 The world is tightly fettered by delight;
Thought is its means of travelling about.
Craving is what one must forsake
In order to say, ‘Nibbāna.’
65 (5) Bondage
211 By what is the world held in bondage?
What is its means of travelling about?
What is it that one must forsake
To cut off all bondage?
212 The world is held in bondage by delight;
Thought is its means of travelling about.
Craving is what one must forsake
To cut off all bondage.
66 (6) Afflicted
213 By what is the world afflicted?
By what is it enveloped?
By what dart has it been wounded?
With what is it always burning?
214 The world is afflicted with death,
Enveloped by old age;
Wounded by the dart of craving,
It is always burning with desire.
67 (7) Ensnared
215 By what is the world ensnared?
By what is it enveloped?
By what is the world shut in?
On what is the world established?
216 The world is ensnared by craving;
It is enveloped by old age;
The world is shut in by death;
The world is established on suffering.
68 (8) Shut In
217 By what is the world shut in?
On what is the world established?
By what is the world ensnared?
By what is it enveloped?
218 The world is shut in by death;
The world is established on suffering;
The world is ensnared by craving;
It is enveloped by old age.
69 (9) Desire
219 By what is the world bound?
By the removal of what is it freed?
What is it that one must forsake
To cut off all bondage?
220 By desire is the world bound;
By the removal of desire it is freed.
Desire is what one must forsake
To cut off all bondage.
70 (10) World
221 In what has the world arisen?
In what does it form intimacy?
By clinging to what is the world
Harassed in regard to what?
222 In six has the world arisen;
In six it forms intimacy;
By clinging to six the world
Is harassed in regard to six.