5-56-7 Āmakadhañña peyyāla vaggo | Samyutta

VII. 1st Raw Grain Repetition Series

61 (1) Elsewhere

Then the Blessed One took up a little bit of soil in his fingernail and addressed the Bhikkhus thus:

What do you think, Bhikkhus, which is more: the little bit of soil in my fingernail or the great earth?

Venerable sir, the great earth is more. The little bit of soil that the Blessed One has taken up in his fingernail is trifling.

Compared to the great earth, that little bit of soil is not calculable, does not bear comparison, does not amount even to a fraction.

So too, Bhikkhus, those beings are few who are reborn among human beings. But those beings are more numerous who are reborn elsewhere than among human beings.

For what reason?

Because, Bhikkhus, they have not seen the Four Noble Truths.

What 4?

1) The Noble Truth of suffering,
2) the Noble Truth of the origin of suffering,
3) the Noble Truth of the cessation of suffering,
4) the Noble Truth of the path leading to the cessation of suffering.

Therefore, Bhikkhus,

an exertion should be made to understand: ‘This is suffering.’
An exertion should be made to understand: ‘This is the origin of suffering.’
An exertion should be made to understand: ‘This is the cessation of suffering.’

An exertion should be made to understand: ‘This is the path leading to the cessation of suffering.’

62 (2) Outlying Countries

Then the Blessed One took up a little bit of soil in his fingernail and addressed the Bhikkhus thus.…

So too, Bhikkhus, those beings are few who are reborn in the middle countries.

But those beings are more numerous who are reborn in the outlying countries among the uncultured barbarians.…

63 (3) Wisdom

So too, Bhikkhus, those beings are few who possess the noble eye of wisdom.

But these beings are more numerous, who are immersed in ignorance and confused.…

64 (4) Wines and Liquors

So too, Bhikkhus, those beings are few who abstain from wine, liquors, and intoxicants that are a basis for negligence.

But these beings are more numerous who do not abstain from wines, liquors, and intoxicants that are a basis for negligence.…

65 (5) Water-Born

So too, Bhikkhus, those beings are few who are born on high ground.

But these beings are more numerous who are born in water.…

66 (6) Who Honour Mother

So too, Bhikkhus, those beings are few who honour their mother.

But these beings are more numerous who do not honour their mother.…

67 (7) Who Honour Father

So too, Bhikkhus, those beings are few who honour their father.

But these beings are more numerous who do not honour their father.…

68 (8) Who Honour Ascetics

So too, Bhikkhus, those beings are few who honour ascetics.

But these beings are more numerous who do not honour ascetics.…

69 (9) Who Honour Brahmins

So too, Bhikkhus, those beings are few who honour Brahmins.

But these beings are more numerous who do not honour Brahmins.…

70 (10) Who Respect Elders

So too, Bhikkhus, those beings are few who respect their elders in the family.

But these beings are more numerous who do not respect their elders in the family.…