5-56-8 Āmakadhañña peyyāla vaggo | Samyutta

VIII. 2nd Raw Grain Repetition Series

71 (1) Killing Living Beings

So too, Bhikkhus, those beings are few who abstain from the destruction of life.

But these beings are more numerous who do not abstain from the destruction of life.…

72 (2) Taking What Is Not Given

So too, Bhikkhus, those beings are few who abstain from taking what is not given.

But these beings are more numerous who do not abstain from taking what is not given.…

73 (3) Sexual Misconduct

So too, Bhikkhus, those beings are few who abstain from sexual misconduct.

But these beings are more numerous who do not abstain from sexual misconduct.…

74 (4) False Speech

So too, Bhikkhus, those beings are few who abstain from false speech.

But these beings are more numerous who do not abstain from false speech.…

75 (5) Divisive Speech

So too, Bhikkhus, those beings are few who abstain from divisive speech.

But these beings are more numerous who do not abstain from divisive speech.…

76 (6) Harsh Speech

So too, Bhikkhus, those beings are few who abstain from harsh speech.

But these beings are more numerous who do not abstain from harsh speech.…

77 (7) Idle Chatter

So too, Bhikkhus, those beings are few who abstain from idle chatter.

But these beings are more numerous who do not abstain from idle chatter.…

78 (8) Seed Life

So too, Bhikkhus, those beings are few who abstain from damaging seed and plant life.

But these beings are more numerous who do not abstain from damaging seed and plant life.…

79 (9) Improper Times

So too, Bhikkhus, those beings are few who abstain from eating at improper times.

But these beings are more numerous who do not abstain from eating at improper times.…

80 (10) Scents and Unguents

So too, Bhikkhus, those beings are few who abstain from wearing garlands, embellishing themselves with scents, and beautifying themselves with unguents.

But these beings are more numerous who do not so abstain.…