Aṅguttara Nikāya Suttas

Aṅguttara Nikāya 3. Tika Nipāta 11. Sambodhivaggo Enlightenment 1. Pubbesambodhasuttaṃ –– Before enlightenment 104. Bhikkhus, when I was not yet enlightened, it occured to me: In this world what is the satisfaction, what is the danger and what is the escape? Then I occured to me: The arising of pleasure and pleasantness in the world on account of something, is

Aṅguttara Nikāya 3. Tika-Nipāta 12. Apāyikavaggo On hell 1. Apāyikasuttaṃ –– Hell 114. Bhikkhus, without dispelling these three, it is loss, it is hell. What three? With a promise to lead the holy life, breaking it, falsely degrading one who lives the pure holy life, and he that falls for it, upholding the view that there is nothing wrong in

Aṅguttara Nikāya 3. Tika Nipāta 13. Kusināravaggo (Bharaṇḍuvaggo) 1. Kusinārasuttaṃ –– At Kusinara 124. At one time the Blessed One lived in Kusinara in a stretch of forest in Baliharana. The Blessed One addressed the bhikkhus: Here bhikkhus, the bhikkhu abides relying on a certain village or hamlet. a householder or his son approaches him and invites for the next

Aṅguttara Nikāya 3. Tika Nipāta 14. Yodhājīvavaggo The warrior 1. Yodhājīvasuttaṃ –– On the warrior 134. Bhikkhus, endowed with three things the warrior becomes worthy for the king, and royal by the sign. What three? Here bhikkhus, the warrior shoots from a distance, knows the right time to shoot and breaks down a huge mass. Bhikkhus, endowed with these three

Aṅguttara Nikāya 3. Tika Nipāta 15. Mangalavagga V. Auspicious 146 (1) Unwholesome Bhikkhus, possessing 3 qualities , one is deposited in hell as if brought there. What 3? 1) Unwholesome bodily action, 2) unwholesome verbal action, and 3) unwholesome mental action. - Possessing these 3 qualities , one is deposited in hell as if brought there. Possessing 3 qualities ,

Aṅguttara Nikāya 3. Tika Nipāta 16. Acelavaggo (Patipada Vagga) VI. Ways of Practice 156 (1) [Establishments of Mindfulness] Bhikkhus, there are these 3 ways of practice. What 3? 1) The coarse way of practice, 2) the blistering way of practice, and 3) the middle way of practice. (1) And what, Bhikkhus, is the coarse way of practice? Here, someone holds

Aṅguttara Nikāya 3. Tika Nipāta 17. Kammapatha peyyālaṃ VII. Courses of Kamma Repetition Series 163 (1)–182 (20) (163) Bhikkhus, one possessing 3 qualities is deposited in hell as if brought there. What 3? (1) One destroys life oneself, (2) encourages others to destroy life, and (3) approves of the destruction of life. - One possessing these 3 qualities is deposited

Aṅguttara Nikāya 3. Tika Nipāta 18. Rāga peyyālaṃ VIII. Lust and So Forth Repetition Series 183 (1) Bhikkhus, for direct knowledge of lust, 3 things are to be developed. What 3? 1) Emptiness concentration, 2) markless concentration, and 3) wishless concentration. - For direct knowledge of lust, these 3 things are to be developed. 184 (2)–352 (170) Bhikkhus, for full

Aṅguttara Nikāya Catukka Nipāta Bandagamavaggo 1. Anubuddhasuttaṃ –– Enlightened 001.01. I heard thus. At one time the Blessed One was living in Bandagama in the country of the Vajji’s. The Blessed One addressed the Bhikkhus: Bhikkhus, not comprehending and not enlightened on 4 things you and I too have been traversing and transmigrating for a very long time. What 4?

Aṅguttara Nikāya 002. Caravaggo 1. Carasuttaṃ –– While walking 002.01. Bhikkhus, even while walking sensual thoughts, angry thoughts and hurting thoughts arise to the Bhikkhu, if he endures them, does not dispel them and remove them, does not destroy them and make them not to arise again while walking, he is said to be inactive, unscrupulous and forever lazy without
