Ethics | Buddhism

Buddhist Ethics

Ethics is a major part of the Buddhist Path that leads to the end of suffering: The path is sometimes conceived of as a 3-fold training in which Śīla provides the foundation for Samādhi and prajñā. The practice of moral discipline is supportive of the other practices in the path. - The realization of no-self, - emptiness, and - interdependence - leads to Ethics

Buddhist Philosophy

Within the Buddhist tradition there exist enormously sophisticated systems of thought: Whether these systems should be regarded as “philosophy” or “theology” or something else is a difficult question and a topic of much debate: The Buddhist term most closely related is Dharma, which means something like truths or teachings, especially teachings about how to live. But it is not what professional philosophers in modern West

The Four Noble Truths are known best for their appearance in the classic Turning of the Wheel of Dharma. The Four Noble Truths are often employed as an organizing principle to describe the more detailed and complex set of teachings that are the framework for more specific meditation practices. The Four Noble Truths are the most significant teaching in all of Buddhism’s varied schools

It is the Noble Eightfold Path, the way that leads to the cessation of suffering, namely: (a) Right View Samma-diṭṭhi - Wisdom (b) Right Thought Samma-sankappa - Wisdom (c) Right Speech Samma-vaca - Morality (d) Right Action Samma-kammanta - Morality (e) Right Livelihood Samma-ajiva - Morality (f) Right Effort Samma-vayama - Concentration (g) Right Mindfulness Samma-sati - Concentration (h) Right Concentration Samma-samādhi - Concentration

The term Karma, which literally means “action,” is frequently used in the context of what can be called the doctrine of Karma: The Law of Kamma is a fundamental doctrine in Buddhism: Although this belief was prevalent in India before the advent of the Buddha, it was the Buddha who explained and formulated this doctrine in its complete form, which we have today.

Rebirth, also called transmigration and reincarnation, is the belief common to all Buddhist traditions that birth and death occur in successive cycles driven by: 1. Ignorance (avidya), 2. Desire (tṛṣṇā), and 3. Hatred (dveṣa). The cycle of rebirth, termed Saṁsāra, is beginningless and on-going, and it is determined by the moral quality of a person’s thoughts and Karma (Action). The effects of good moral actions

Dependent Origination (PATICCA SAMUPPADA) What is the Law of Dependent Origination? According to this law, every phenomenon owes its origin to another phenomenon prior to it. It may simply be expressed as “depending on this, this originates”. Why then did the Buddha teach the doctrine of Dependent Origination? It was to show through which causes and conditions, suffering comes into being, now and hereafter.

3 marks of existence

Suffering, Impermanence & No-self are 3 fundamental characteristics of life in this world along with: 1) Impermanence (Anitya) 2) Suffering (Duḥkha) and 3) No-self (Anātman). Suffering is a basic characteristic of all life in this world, and is the first of the four noble truths taught by the Buddha and recorded in the various Buddhist canons. Everything that exists in this world is impermanent.

Pāramitā (Perfection) | Definition Pāramitā (Pāli, pāramī;) refers to the spiritual practice accomplished by a Bodhisattva. The term has been interpreted variously as meaning, for example, “perfection,” “to reach the other shore,” or “to cross over.” Traditionally, the term Pāramitā comprises 4 groups: a) the group of 6 Pāramitās; b) the group of 10 Pāramitās; c) the group of 4 Pāramitās; d) Esoteric perfections

Faith in Buddhism

The most common English theological meanings of the word Faith are the ones that have the most questionable similarity to historical Buddhist belief and practice. Buddhist notions tend to occupy a different centre in the semantic field: serene trust, confident belief that the practice of the dharma will bear the promised fruit, and joyful surrender to the presence or vision of one or many “ideal
