Duṭṭhaṭṭhaka Sutta | Sn IV-3
3. Duṭṭhaṭṭhaka Sutta
Discourse on the Malice
786. Some accuse the Buddha (and his disciples) out of malice, others, in honest belief in their accusation.
(However) all accusations do not affect the Buddha, because he is absolutely pure, without any dart of defilements. (1)
787. A belief of one's own preference, held dear and fully imbibed in, will certainly be endorsed by him who holds it.
With such an ardent believer, how could you ever expect him to overcome the spell of his own belief. (2)
788. Without being asked, he says about his character and habits; there's also another who makes his own appraisal:
Both forms of conduct the wise call ignoble. (3)
789. The Bhikkhu has stilled his passions; his mind dwells in the tranquillity of complete freedom. But he does not claim to be virtuous.
Such conduct the wise call Noble. In such a Bhikkhu there's not a trace of defilement that sustain Saṁsāra. (4)
790. He holds beliefs steeped in speculation and volition; he is guided by impure (false) doctrines. He depends on the false views out of (self-interest) as well as out of the belief in the so-called peace founded on destructive dialectics. (5)
791. Those holding the (62) false doctrines, deep-seated in their own belief, having set their heart upon it - find it extremely hard to abandon it.
Therefore, they take up one false creed, got it firmly-seated in their heart, and then reject it in favour of another, and yet another. (6)
792. The Arahant has indeed no false views in respect of any world; he has rejected speculative views about all forms of existence.
To him, having shaken off all false views (that are based on craving and wrong concepts), deceit and vanity, hide no more; so why would he go to another existence? (7)
793. He who clings to a weakness is accused of that weakness.
While an Arahant, who does not cling, either to craving or to false views, how could he be accused of as being greedy or vain?
Indeed he has no false concept about self-hood nor of annihilation of self. In this very existence he has cast off all false views. (8)
End of the Third Duṭṭhaṭṭhaka Sutta