Suddhaṭṭhaka Sutta | Sn IV-4


4. Suddhaṭṭhaka Sutta

Discourse on the Pureness

794. I see a pure appearance, noble and healthy; by merely seeing (a pure) appearance one attains purity, and such a view is the noble view.

So he contemplates on that thought, believing it to be the Knowledge of the Way. (1)

795. If, (as they think) mere seeing a pure appearance could purify the seer, if mere knowledge of the appearance could dispel dukkha,

then it would be equal to saying that he, with all the defilements and substrata of existence in him, attains purity in a way different from the Ariyas' Path.

One who claims so is in fact a false believer (heretic). (2)

796. The Brahmāṇa, the Arahant does not say that purity is attained otherwise than by the Noble Path such as through knowledge concerning sights seen, sounds heard, or other perceptions experienced, precepts of abstaining of perverted practices.

As for him, he is quite indifferent to deeds meritorious or otherwise; having abandoned the wrong concept of a self, he has forsaken all volitional efforts in life. (3)

797. Leaving the former teacher, they follow a new one; led astray by lust they cannot overcome attachment.

They acquire the teaching of this teacher, then they reject it, just like the monkey that lets go a branch and gets hold of another. (4)

798. Being attached to the perceptions (such as sensual pleasures), he takes upon himself the perverted rituals; now under a teacher of low esteem, then under that of high esteem.

The wise Arahant, knowing the Four Noble Truths, following the Path of Knowledge, possessed of wisdom as vast as the earth, does not go from teacher to teacher. (5)

799. He conquers Māra's hosts and all evils, including all sensuous perceptions about sights seen, sounds heard, and perceptions otherwise experienced; thus cleansed, having seen Nibbāna, he has removed the shroud of defilements.

To one who goes about in this noble freedom, what speculations (by way of craving or erroneous views), would ever provoke him? (6)

800. Arahants do not speculate (either out of craving or false views), are not led astray by defilements (such as craving or false views), they don't say that (false views such as Eternalism) are truly pure.

All bonds and knots (of sensual attachments), loosened by the light of the Path of Knowledge, they do not wish for any existence in any world. (7)

801. Having gone beyond the confines of defilements, the Brahmāṇa, the Arahant, knowing the Truth, have nothing whatever to hold as dear.

Sensual desires, or longings for existences, with form or without form, hold no attraction to him. This world also lacks anything that he should consider noble or worth to have. (8)

End of the Fourth Suddhaṭṭhaka Sutta