Paramaṭṭhaka Sutta | Sn IV-5
5. Paramaṭṭhaka Sutta
Discourse on the Best
802. In this world, certain people hold fast to the views, that their doctrine is the best. Such people claim their teachers are the best, and that the rest are all deception.
With such a view they can never avert controversy. (1)
803. He sees merit in what is seen or heard, or otherwise perceived by his senses, as also in precepts of abstinence, and rituals of perverse peculiarity;
being absorbed in this (misplaced) sense of merit, he regards all other doctrines with contempt. (2)
804. This sort of prejudice, dependent on belief, glorifying one's own creed and scorning those of others, is a kind of bondage, the wise proclaim.
That's why one should not depend (for merit) to what is seen, or heard, or otherwise perceived neither by one’s senses, nor on precepts of abstinence and perverted rituals. (3)
805. One should not form views through knowledge, or precepts of abstinence or perverted rituals.
He should not claim to be equal to so and so, or consider himself as being inferior to or superior to another. (4)
806. Abandoning the false concept of Self, he does not cling; nor does he depend, on the knowledge (born of craving and false views).
Amongst the manifold views he endorses none; in fact, he upholds not any view at all. (5)
807. In this life an Arahant has no wish for either the existing body or another body in another existence; not attached to this life, he has no attachment to another life.
Upholding no false creed whatever, he has nothing to do with ideas and ideals. (6)
808. In this life an Arahant has not a trace of speculative perceptions regarding things, seen, heard, or otherwise experienced.
With such a Brāhmaṇa who espouses with no false belief, whoever in the world could tempt him with any evil, (such as craving or false views)? (7)
809. Arahants do not speculate (on the basis of craving and false views), they are not induced (by craving and false views).
Rejecting the (62 kinds of) false doctrines, the Brāhmaṇa, the Arahant, is not carried away, by precepts of abstinence, or perverted rituals.
Such as steadfast one, having crossed over to the yonder shore, does not return to this shore of Saṁsāra. (8)
End of the Fifth Paramaṭṭhaka Sutta