Aṅguttara Nikāya Suttas

h3>Aṅguttara Nikāya 009. Sītivaggo IV. Coolness 85 (1) Coolness Bhikkhus, possessing 6 qualities , a Bhikkhu is incapable of realizing the unsurpassed coolness. What 6? (1) Here, a Bhikkhu does not suppress the mind on an occasion when it should be suppressed; (2) he does not exert the mind on an occasion when it should be exerted; (3) he does

Aṅguttara Nikāya 010. Aanisansavaggo V. Benefit 96 (1) Manifestation Bhikkhus, the manifestation of 6 things is rare in the world. What 6? (1) The manifestation of a Tathāgata, an Arahant, a Perfectly Enlightened One is rare in the world. (2) One who can teach the Dhamma and discipline proclaimed by a Tathāgata is rare in the world. (3) Rebirth in

Aṅguttara Nikāya Chapters Extra to the Set of Fifty 11. Tikavaggo I. Triads 107 (1) Lust Bhikkhus, there are these 3 things . What 3? (1) Lust, (2) hatred, and (3) delusion. - These are 3 things . - 3 [other] things are to be developed for abandoning these 3 things . What 3? (4) The unattractive is to be

Aṅguttara Nikāya 012. Sāmaññavaggo II. Asceticism 117 (1) Contemplating the Body Bhikkhus, without having abandoned 6 things , one is incapable of contemplating the body in the body . What 6? 1) Delight in work, 2) delight in talk, 3) delight in sleep, 4) delight in company, 5) not guarding the doors of the sense faculties, and 6) being immoderate

Aṅguttara Nikāya 13. Rāgapeyyālaṃ III. Lust and So Forth Repetition Series 140 (1) Bhikkhus, for direct knowledge of lust, 6 things are to be developed. What 6? 1) The unsurpassed sight, 2) the unsurpassed hearing, 3) the unsurpassed gain, 4) the unsurpassed training, 5) the unsurpassed service, and 6) the unsurpassed recollection. - For direct knowledge of lust, these 6

Aṅguttara Nikāya > Sattakanipāta The Book of the Sevens Homage to the Blessed One, the Arahant, the Perfectly Enlightened One The First Fifty 001. Dhanavaggo I. Wealth 1 (1) Pleasing (1) Thus have I heard. On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling at Sāvatthī in Jeta’s Grove, Anāthapiṇḍika’s Park. There the Blessed One addressed the Bhikkhus: Bhikkhus! Venerable sir!

Aṅguttara Nikāya 002. Anusayavaggo II. Underlying Tendencies 11 (1) Underlying Tendencies (1) Bhikkhus, there are these 7 underlying tendencies . What 7? 1) The underlying tendency to sensual lust, 2) the underlying tendency to aversion, 3) the underlying tendency to views, 4) the underlying tendency to doubt, 5) the underlying tendency to conceit, 6) the underlying tendency to lust for

Aṅguttara Nikāya 003. Vajjisattakavaggo III. The Vajji 7 21 (1) Sārandada Thus have I heard. On one occasion the Blessed One was dwelling at Vesālī at the Sārandada Shrine . Then a number of Licchavis approached the Blessed One, paid homage to him, and sat down to one side. The Blessed One said this to them: I will teach you,

Aṅguttara Nikāya 004. Devatāvaggo IV. Deities 32 (1) Heedfulness Then, when the night had advanced, a certain deity of stunning beauty, illuminating the entire Jeta’s Grove, approached the Blessed One, paid homage to him, stood to one side, and said to the Blessed One: Bhante, there are these 7 qualities that lead to the non-decline of a Bhikkhu. What 7?

Aṅguttara Nikāya 005. Mahāyaññavaggo –– The great sacrifices 1. Sattaviññānaṭṭhitisuttaṃ –– The 7 stations for consciousness 005.01. Bhikkhus, these 7 are the stations of consciousness. What 7? Bhikkhus, there are beings with various bodies and various perceptions for example human beings, sometimes like gods and sometimes like hellish beings. This is the first station of consciousness. Bhikkhus, there are beings
