Zen Buddhism Teachings

6 Paramitas : Patience

Patience is the third paramita or great perfection. We should understand the benefits of patience and shortcomings of impatience. Patience helps us to overcome anger that destroys good impressions in our mind and our merits. It also protects us from the anger of others, not letting the anger of others destroy clarity and light of our mind. Patience helps to create a good karma and

6 Paramitas : Discipline

The second paramita is tshul-khrims, “ethics, morality, moral discipline, ethical conduct, rule, order,” Shila in Sanskrit. According to the Bodhisattva Vehicle, there are three categories of ethics (tshul-khrims-gsum): (1) to refrain from negative actions, (2) to accumulate what is positive and (3) to help others.

6 Paramitas : Generosity

The first Paramita is the practice of Generosity, to share what is helpful and good and to do it without selfishness. The practice of generosity, dana, can be traced to the early teachings of the nikayas, the agamas, and to the later teachings in the Prajnaparamita Sutras, as well as the Mahaprajnaparamita Shastra, which elaborates on this practice. Among the paramitas, generosity can be the

Bodhisattva Path: 6 Paramitas

When we think about the Mahayana path to perfection and awakening of Bodhichitta we think about 6 Paramitas and 4 Immeasurables. Paramita means “transcendent perfection” in Sanskrit. And what we have to transcend here?! We should transcend the mental attachments to subject, object and actions. Six Paramitas describe the perfect qualities and practices of enlightened Bodhisattva who is practicing only to bring the utmost benefit

Theravada and Mahasanghika

Hundred years after Buddha passed away, the first serious disagreements arouse between monks about the actual words of Buddha, and it was decided to hold the Second Buddhist Council. The main discussion objects in councils were Vinaya rules. Nowadays scholars believe the group known as Sthavira (Elders) wanted to tighten monastic discipline even more as it was given by Buddha himself and add more rules.

Four schools of Buddhist philosophy

To understand better Buddhist philosophy, Buddhist views and differences between different traditions and first of all between 3 yanas – Hinayana, Mahayana and Vajrayana – we have to speak about their philosophy. Generally there could be differentiated 4 schools of philosophy- Vaibhāṣika, Sautrāntika, Yogacara (Cittamatra in Tibetan sources) and Madhyamaka. All of them are based upon Buddha Shakyamuni teachings, Sutras and Abhidharma, and may share

8 obstacles to practice Buddhism

Buddhism philosophy states that all beings have the Buddha nature. But not all beings are able to reach Buddhahood, enlightenment. To reach enlightenment one has to have a beneficial human body. It is the basis to reach enlightenment. There are many other beings like hungry ghosts and hell beings that are not able to reach enlightenment and many humans in unbeneficial circumstances as well. There

Nirmanakaya - 3 physical manifestations of enlightenment

Nirmanakaya is another manifestation of dharmakaya - in physical form. Nirmana is a Sanskrit term which means to manifest in a form. Not each form would be Nirmanakaya, but the Body of Truth – a completely purified form which carries the essence of enlightenment, dharmakaya, and the highest wisdom. Often it refers to physical manifestations and acts of great enlightened teachers as Buddha Shakyamuni or

How to attain Enlightenment

I felt compelled to explain to People an often seen confusion - contrary to wide spread belief that Buddhism is about "being good", morals, ethics or may be complaining about sufferings, and similar sentimentality - I had to point that it is not.Buddhism is about the Buddha state of mind - about the great experience of enlightenment and liberation from all conditional states.

Sambhogakaya - 5 Wisdoms and Buddha families

Sambhogakaya can be translated as “the body of perfect enjoyment”. “Sam” means perfect, “bhoga” means enjoyment and kaya is roughly translated as body. Sambhogakaya can be understood as “the body of teaching”, but not really in the sense of some doctrine or speaking.Here we mean rather some teaching or wisdom that is intrinsically contained in the body of enlightenment and becomes evident in its completeness
