Catubhāṇavārapāḷi | The Four Recitals
The Four Recitals
The First Recital
1. Saraṇagamanaṁ
Going for Refuge
2. Dasasikkhāpadāni
The Ten Training Rules
3. Sāmaṇerapañhaṁ
The Questions to the Novice
4. Dvattiṁsākāraṁ
The Thirty-Two Fold Nature
5. Paccavekkhaṇā
The Reflections
6. Dasadhammasuttaṁ
The Discourse on the Ten Things
7. Mahāmaṅgalasuttaṁ
The Discourse on the Great Blessings
8. Ratanasuttaṁ
The Discourse on the Treasures
9. Karaṇīyamettasuttaṁ
The Discourse on how Friendliness Meditation should be Done
10. Khandhaparittaṁ
The Safeguard of the Constituent Groups (of Mind & Body)
11. Mettānisaṁsasuttaṁ
The Discourse on the Advantages of Friendliness Meditation
12. Mittānisaṁsaṁ
The Advantages of Friendship
13. Moraparittaṁ
The Peacock’s Safeguard
14. Candaparittaṁ
The Moon’s Safeguard
15. Suriyaparittaṁ
The Sun’s Safeguard
16. Dhajaggaparittaṁ
Safeguard through the Top of a Banner
Dutiyakabhāṇavāraṁ | The Second Recital
17. MahāKassapattherabojjhaṅgaṁ
The Factor of Awakening Concerning the Elder Mahā Kassapa
18. MahāMoggallānattherabojjhaṅgaṁ
The Factor of Awakening Concerning the Elder Mahā Moggallāna
19. MahāCundattherabojjhaṅgaṁ
The Factor of Awakening Concerning the Elder Mahā Cunda
20. Girimānandasuttaṁ
The Discourse to Girimānanda
21. Isigilisuttaṁ
The Discourse about Isigili
Atirekāni Sattasuttāni | The Seven Extra Discourses
22. Dhammacakkappavattanasuttaṁ
The Discourse that Set the Dhamma Wheel Rolling
23. Mahāsamayasuttaṁ
The Discourse on the Great Convention
24. Ālavakasuttaṁ
The Discourse concerning Ālavaka
25. Kasībhāradvājasuttaṁ
The Discourse concerning Kasībhāradvāja
26. Parābhavasuttaṁ
The Discourse on Ruin
27. Vasalasuttaṁ
The Discourse on the Outcastes
28. Saccavibhaṅgasuttaṁ
The Discourse giving the Analysis of the Truths
Tatiyakabhāṇavāraṁ: | The Third Recital
29a. Āṭānāṭiyasuttaṁ (Part One)
The Āṭānāṭiya Discourse (Part One)
Catutthakabhāṇavāraṁ: | The Fourth Recital
29b. Āṭānāṭiyasuttaṁ (Part Two)
The Āṭānāṭiya Discourse (Part Two)